Even more new peers
How do you become a Firefox peer? The answer may surprise you!
New Firefox and Toolkit module peers
New Firefox and Toolkit module peers in Taipei!
Thoughts on the module system
More new Firefox/Toolkit peers
Welcome to a new Firefox/Toolkit peer, Shane Caraveo
hgchanges is down, probably for good
Sycamore Canyon, July 27th
Wildwood Regional Park, 1st June
How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age
500px isn't quite Flickr yet
Hello new Flickr, goodbye social
Six years revisited
Firefox now ships with the add-on SDK
Afterburner steak rub
Get notifications about changes to any directory in mercurial
Hacking on Tilt
The Add-on SDK is now in Firefox
Pop-free sound from a Raspberry Pi running XBMC
Making Git play nice on Windows
Let's just put it in Toolkit!
What is an API?
What is Jetpack here for?
Simple image filters with getUserMedia
Six hour chilli
After an awesome Jetpack work week
Where are we all now?
Managing changes is the key to a project's success
I made a thing to help with GPS in Lightroom
The add-ons manager is about to get more Unfocused
How Crashplan breaks xpcshell tests on Windows
WebApp Tabs, version control and GitHub
Overlays without overlays in restartless add-ons
Another 7 things…
Adding add-on preferences to the Add-ons Manager
Unloading JS modules
Making it easier to check that your plugins are up to date
Why do Firefox updates break add-ons?
Professional photographer for a day
Creating custom add-on types just got easier
How to disable extension compatibility checking on Nightly builds of Firefox
Do I need a new camera?
6 years ago…
Building Fennec for Android from OSX
What's next for the Add-ons Manager?
Playing with windows in restartless (bootstrapped) extensions
Sad news today
Kontemplating Kitteh Katastrophe
Shooting fireworks on New Year's Eve
British Airways ruined my Christmas
Firefox 4 and the Add-ons Manager at Add-on-Con
Add-on-Con is here!
Minor change coming to the interface amIWebInstallListener in Firefox 4.0 beta 8
Beating Bootcamp
Nightly Tester Tools is being brought back to life
PreFox is now available for testing
Don't miss an exciting opportunity to shape the future of Firefox 4!
Jonathan Coulton is Awesome
How to extend the new Add-ons Manager (or how I built a simple greasemonkey clone in an evening)
Introducing the new Add-ons Manager
History of the Add-ons Manager
Setting the World on Fire

Multiple breaking changes are coming for components in extensions
Documenting the new Add-ons Manager
Support for dropping XPI files into the extension install locations might be going away
Where is the updated Nightly Tester Tools?
Add-ons manager re-landed
The new add-ons manager is here
Time for a new Camera
Myths and mysconceptions about Firefox on the Palm Pre
Firefox running on the Palm Pre (mostly)
How do restartless add-ons work?
How we're breaking some extensions in the near future
Look Ma, no restarts!
Improving do_execute_soon for xpcshell tests
Broken executables in extensions in Firefox 3.6
Throwing xpcom docs out into the wild
Do we need extension dependencies?
Changing the checkCompatibility preference
Lightweight themes UI landed
Third-party extension installation status
Third-party add-on notification progress, the lite edition
Progress on notifying users about third-party add-ons
Supporting icons for disabled extensions
Why does no-one make a mouse that I want?
Hey Dreamhost, we use tabs now
Notifying users about third-party add-ons
Bumper XULRunner release day!
Where is XULRunner 1.9.1?
Moar xpcom docs!
Farewell contents.rdf
Improving the add-on install experience

Where are we all?
How do people vote?
Why change is hard
Letting add-ons perform work during install and uninstall
What's up with the extension manager?
XULRunner 1.9.2a1pre builds also available
XULRunner 1.9.1b3 builds, get them while they're hot
Testing the background update checks
Brussels bound
Giving up is hard to do
Flipping the bird
Updated Interface lists
I must be missing something in the clouds
Daylight robbery
Zooming along, hopefully as fast as before
Stupid rules
7 things I know about me…
What happened in 2008?
Call centre fail
Making Gallery2 understand ogg and use video tags
Turning the cogs
